Malayalam Manorama Careers 2021: Malayala Manorama is a morning newspaper in Malayalam published from Kottayam, Kerala, India by the Malayala Manorama Company Limited. Currently headed by Mammen Mathew; it was first published as a weekly on 22 March 1888, and currently has a readership of over 20 million (with a circulation base of over 2.4 million copies). It is also the second oldest Malayalam newspaper in Kerala in circulation, after Deepika, which is also published from Kottayam. Manorama also publishes an online edition
The Candidate should be a Graduate in Electrical & Communication. Engineering, Preferably with MBA, having a minimum 10 years of experience in a publishing industry
He Should have a minimum 5 years of experience in managing a large team of Engineers & Technicians of a printing unit.Should have hands-on experience in the upkeep of computer systems and communication network infrastructure
The incumbent will be responsible for the complete operation of the plant, upkeep of the machinery, resource management and budgetary controls.
our Printing centres across the country are well connected by digital communication systems and we use sophisticated printing equipment. The job challenges your technical and managerial strengths in the operation and maintenance of such printing centres
Posting will be anywhere in kerala
Age below 40
How to Apply
Please send your detailed resume through email before 15/06/2021 with subject-line "P&M 2021"