Sports Authority of India Recruitment 2021: Sports Authority of India (SAI) has issued the latest notification for the recruitment of 2021. Applications are invited for the post of Young Professional. Other details like Education Qualification Details, Required Age Limit, Mode Of selection, Fee Details, and How to Apply are given below…Sports Authority of India (SAI) was set up in 1984 to carry forward the legacy of the IXth Asian Games held in New Delhi in 1982 under the Department of Sports. SAl has been entrusted with the twin objectives of promoting sports and achieving sporting excellence at the national and international level. SAI was set up as a Society registered of Societies Act, 1860 in pursuance of the Resolution No. 1-1/83/SAI dated 25th January 1984 of the Department of Sports, Govt. of India with the objective of promotion of Sports and Games as detailed in the Resolution. SAI has played a significant role in shaping India’s sports development by providing training to elite athletes and at the same time operating a number of schemes for the identification and development of young talent. The schemes are being implemented through various regional centres and training centres of SAI spread throughout the country. In addition to that, a number of academic programmes in physical education and sports are also offered by SAI. SAI is also entrusted with the responsibility of maintaining and utilizing, on the behalf of Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports, the following Stadia in Delhi which were constructed/renovated for the IX Asian Games held in New Delhi in 1982 :-
Organization Sports Authority of India
Type of Employment Central Govt Jobs
Total Vacancies 08
Location Kerala
Official Website
Applying Mode Email
Starting Date 10.08.2021
Last Date 31.08.2021
Post: Young Professionals (Athlete Relation Manager)
Qualification Details:
Graduate in any discipline with certificate/Diploma course in sports management (certificate/diploma duration must be more than 06 months) from a reputed institute.
MBA/Post Graduate Diploma (2 Years) from given preference a recognized university
Required Age Limit:
Maximum Age: 55 Years
Salary Package:
Rs. 40,000/ – Rs.60,000/-
Mode of Selection:
Steps To Apply For Email Mode:
Log on to the official website
Eligible applicants should send the following documents via email to
Application Submission Dates: 10.08.2021 to 31.08.2021
Official Notification | |